RAMS (Errors in Risk Analysis and Management System) Management

In railways industry, we provide support services for companies to use their own software on risk management and security issues, and in the absence of their own software, we provide support services with our own MMS system, which we have developed in the light of our experience. We have the ability to manage the projects listed below that include a set of risk management elements.

FRACAS (Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action System)

FRACAS is a disciplined closed loop failure reporting, analysis and corrective action system. The FRACAS process (system) is an essential element for the achievement of product reliability and safety.
A Failure Reporting Analysis and Corrective Action System (FRACAS) is used to record all failures and problems related to a product or process and their associated root causes and failure analyses in order to assist in identifying and implementing corrective actions.

FRACAS usually includes the following steps:

  • Recording Failures or Incidents
  • Analyzing the Reported Failures or Incidents
  • Identifiyg Necessary Corrective Action
  • Reviewing and Verifiyg the Corrective Action
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